So last Friday we bottled our first batch of beer (a Golden Lager) into liter bottles & have been waiting for them to carbonate. All week the bottles have been resting atop of our “armoire” & at least 6 times a day Nick will go over and squeeze them to check their progress. Today we put two of the bottles in the fridge to enjoy tonight with dinner! I will let you know how they turn out.
I think a drink might be necessary as I am ripping out my 10+ rows of knitting tonight / this afternoon. I decided that I would try a different pattern on this baby blanket for Caleb. I have been SO concentrated on making sure I knit the right stitches & purl the right stitches that I guess I must have done one too many rows because the pattern is off. Now to the normal “untrained” eye it might be undetectable, but I know it’s there & it’s going to drive me nuts. The pattern is a basket weave and you knit & purl in series of 4 stitches in each row and then after 5 rows you knit an entire row, apparently it’s this entire knit row that I screwed up on because normally this row would be on the back *wrong* side of the blanket but in one section it’s on the front *right* side. UGH!!! I might have to switch over to Paige’s blanket for a little while and take a break. Wish me luck!
oooo... bummer! I hate ripping. I have ripped whole hats before that I didn't like. NO FUN! Good luck. I think taking a break from that project might be a good idea. :)